Brilliante Mendoza never fails to capture the audience's heart to his creations. A well known film director that inspires a lot and puts his heart into his works.

A film by Brilliante Mendoza, a well-known film director that won several awards to his films. Serbis (Service) is about a family running an old dysfunctional theater house which has been the place where gays meet up with guys who are willing to have sexual intercourse with them. The title does not only apply to the business of the family but also what they offer inside the theater. The cinema is an xxx rated movie house that has been running for a long time and is soon to close just like the Pineda family which is practically hanging on by a thread."Service" is which gays ask their potential clients inside the theater.

This movie shows reality. The reality of what our country is in right now. Messy, difficult and everything runs for money. Not much to say about this film but I really like how film director Brilliante Mendoza executed the scenes, I think it's effortless the way they shot the scenes since the camera is shaky I understand that maybe they wanted to make it more realistic so they spend a lot of time following Jacklyn Jose walking up and down on the stairs and hallways of the theater. 

Applause for the cast of this film because I really think they did a good job especially to their roles. 
It was really hard to imagine that what they did, what they have showed the viewers 

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