De Vierde Man (The Fourth Man) is a 1981 novel by Dutch author Gerard Reve and was made into film by Paul Verhoeven. This erotic thriller, has a surrealism in it and a bit like of a noir film. There were symbolisms, subliminal messages and meanings that were used in this film.

I love it! The plot of the story that is, and the effects were okay too. I like films that would make you use your brain all throughout the movie not just entertainment. 

Well honestly, I thought it's one of those movies that would bored me to death. But as the movie progress, I was hooked and it kept me thinking all the way. At the inception of the film is a spider; a black widow I think, is crawling around and I really didn't know what it meant. I thought maybe it's just part of the movie but then started to realize that it meant something as I kept on watching. Turns out the woman Christine (Renée Soutendijk) was compared to the spider, 
who make-love with a male spider pertaining to Gerard (Joroen Krabbe) and then kills it afterward. 

There were parts in the film that I didn't like. I do not know if that scene is the highlight of the whole movie but for me it was offensive. It's the part where Gerard was inside a church and saw the man he was fantasizing nailed to the cross like Jesus Christ and started kissing his feet, touching him, undressing him inside a church?! Really unthinkable!

Although I can see the influence of christianity in the film I just thought that one, had a different interpretation. At the end of the movie it's questionable weather the woman killed her three husband.