Just thought of giving a quick review about this. Just my opinion.

Is it me or is this film not that scary at all? I mean besides that it is based on a true story, I don't find it scary. There were  notable horror films such as Paranormal Activity just the first one though, the following series were kinda corny and The Hunting in Connecticut or Exorcism of Emily Rose, still gives me the chills just by typing it.  

The first time I saw the trailer, I was closing my eyes and minimizing the volume of my speaker. Because the trailer was so good, I really thought it was scary the minute I saw the trailer I was having second thoughts watching the film. Exorcism films are not for me. Those films I mentioned above really guarantees sleepless nights I'm sure! Well maybe for me. lol.

What bugs me? The doll! The creepy looking doll. It was shown in the trailers and posters of the film and yet it has nothing to do with the story. It was shown in the first part of the film but just that. I thought the story will revolved around the doll but no. It didn't. By the way to those who haven't watched it yet, the doll belongs to the Warrens they kept it in their house along with the other stuffs they believed to be possessed.

Another is the "warning" poster that has been circulating the social media that says, the movie goers have to consult a priest after watching the film. 

Great! Now I'm never going to see this movie ever! But I still did. A storm came and classes were suspended for a week and I thought I'd give it a try if it's too scary I'd back out no second thoughts. But I got through with it, and the feeling is, well disappointed. It wasn't scary people were overacting about it. It's the sound effects, I jolted several times because of it.